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学术讲座:高端外专Bouras Abdelaziz报告:Higher Education Collaboration within the Industry 4.0 context:
[成都大学威尼斯886699]  发布时间:2018年12月05日

报告时间:2018年12月7号 下午2 :00 -3 :00。


会议报告人:法国里昂第二大学教授Bouras Abdelaziz

报告说明:我校信息科学与工程学院与法国里昂第二大学牵头的欧洲和亚洲共计十所高校联合申报的欧盟ERASMUS+子项目SHYFTE获得欧盟审核通过。SHYFTE(Building Skills4.0 THrough UniversitY and Entreprise CollaboraTion)国际项目的主要目的是将参与国家(参与机构有:法国里昂二大、意大利桑尼奥大学、葡萄牙联合国行动研究所、泰国清迈大学、泰国Kasetsart大学、成都大学、成都信息工程大学、马来西亚Putra大学、马来西亚科技大学)与ICT(信息和通信技术)的特定技能结合起来,以优化和管理与工业4.0相关的生产力、人力劳动、以及安全和社会问题。为了满足工业4.0的要求,SHYFTE项目将由欧洲、亚洲的高等教育机构和中小企业(SME)共同开展。



Dr. Bouras is currently Professor at Qatar University, Manager of the Pre-Award department at the Office of Research Support of Qatar University and Chair of the Industrial Relations committee for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

He was the holder of the Ministry of ICT-Qatar Chair position and working at the Digital Incubation Center of the Ministry until Sept. 2016. Prior to that he was Exceptional Class Professor at the University of Lyon, Deputy Director of the DISP Research Laboratory and Manager of the Innovation and Technology Transfer Center of the university. He coordinated dozens of international projects in Europe and the Middle East and helped incubating Start-ups in both France and Qatar.

His current research interests deal with Software Lifecycle Management and Information Systems, including Information Security, and managing the Information and Software Engineering Research Cluster of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Qatar University.


Internationalization covers a broad range of topics that include cross-border education, e-learning, student mobility and several others. In Europe, the Bologna Process, which has changed the higher education landscape of the continent, through internationally coordinated reforms, illustrates how internationalization fulfils different purposes and brings different rewards and challenges. A widening of drivers of EU higher education has had the effect of making internationalization more of an institutional imperative. Close historical bi-lateral links exist between some China and European countries since decades. Several collaborations and exchange educational programs have been launched and the number of students under mobility is continuously increasing.

In this presentation I will present some of the projects and programs which I had the opportunity to coordinate within the Erasmus+ program. I will also present the baseline of the recently awarded SHYFTE project, in which Chengdu University is an active member. SHYFTE is a capacity building skills 4.0 through university and enterprise collaboration. The main motivation of SHYFTE is to bring together the targeted Chinese, EU and Asian teams with their specific skills in ICT to develop pilot models of learning and teaching skills for the Industry 4.0. Besides, SHYFTE aims to constantly seek coordination and synergies with EU association for Skills 4.0, and Asia-EU foundation, within its lifetime and beyond.

Finally, I will explain the collaboration platforms and funding opportunities with Qatar, through Qatar Foundation’s NPRP program and Qatar University IRCC International Research Collaboration Co-Fund.

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